Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Mayor Michael Bloomberg And Health Commissioner Frieden Open New Bioterrorism Detection Facility At NYC Public Health Laboratory | Mike Bloomberg

Mayor Michael Bloomberg And Health Commissioner Frieden Open New Bioterrorism Detection Facility At NYC Public Health Laboratory | Mike Bloomberg

The New York Times > New York Region > The City > Forged by Fire

The New York Times > New York Region > The City > Forged by Fire

Public-Private Laboratory Collaboration Enhances Disease Detection and Response

Public-Private Laboratory Collaboration Enhances Disease Detection and Response

A NATION CHALLENGED: THE RESPONSE; Preparation For Anthrax Is Called For - New York Times

A NATION CHALLENGED: THE RESPONSE; Preparation For Anthrax Is Called For - New York Times

City Opens a Secure Lab To Counter Bioterrorism - New York Times

City Opens a Secure Lab To Counter Bioterrorism - New York Times

Teamsters Local 237 -- Newsline Highlights

Teamsters Local 237 -- Newsline Highlights

CDC - Laboratory Response to Anthrax Bioterrorism, New York City, 2001

CDC - Laboratory Response to Anthrax Bioterrorism, New York City, 2001

Another Blunder!


Never Say Never!!!!

Hello everyone, yes its been a while, but good things come to those who wait. I remember when I first started to deal with relevant issues at my previous employer. I was told that no one would listen, no one would get involved, in fact I was told that I would eventually lose my job.... etc but, I kept on pushing the issue until someone listened. Many thought I was full of hot air, young and wet behind the ears. They even told me there was nothing I could do. Now I got there full attention. An ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure. I have both the ounce and pound of whatever you seem fit. I gave up a lot, to get to where I am, and still there is a lot more ahead to deal with. The good Lord has done such a wonderful job taking care of me and my family. I come from a very blessed family. Without them I would not have been able to pursue these issues vigorously. Patiently I wait. The final outcome is near. I'm not one of those persons who tells others I told you so. But, sometimes you have to. Sometimes you have to look them in the eye and let them know you are serious. I always felt that when smart people talk no one is really listening, but let a foolish or dumb person sound smart , everyone is listening. Why is that? It says in the the Bible that truthful lips endure forever, but a lying tongue last only a moment. Bring that lying tongue to court, it will be over before it started. Dont take my advise for it, you will see for yourself. That was a personal message to those who know who they are. Nothing personal. You were given the opportunity to do the right thing. You were told of these issues, but still you felt that you got away with breaking the law for so long, you honestly thought you would never get caught. But, time is up! Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth,so help you God. Remember, Truth, Justice, & Freedom some of the few things we still have control of. Talk to you soon.